Serving Canada & the U.S. Since 1986
Posted: 8 Apr '15

The Advantages & Common Applications of PS Filter’s Coalescing Filtration Equipment – Alberta

The Advantages & Common Applications of PS Filter’s Coalescing Filtration Equipment – Alberta

Coalescing technology is commonly used when filtering unwanted contaminants in gases. That is why PS Filter has developed world class coalescing filtration equipment that is highly efficient in removing anything from hydrocarbon condensates, compressor lubrication oils, water, completion fluids, and more.

The Advantages of Using Coalescing Technology

The reason that more and more companies continue to choose PS Filter’s coalescing filtration equipment is because it has many advantages such as:

  • The ability to customize and upgrade either new installations or existing vessels.
  • Highly efficient filtration of liquid contaminants.
  • Low pressure drop due to a high surface area.
  • 99.98% and 99.0% efficiencies at various micron ratings.

Typical Applications of Coalescing Filtration Equipment

Coalescing technology has many useful applications including:

  • Suction and discharge of compressors
  • Protection of molecular sieve beds, alumina beds, activated carbon beds, flare systems, and metering systems
  • Amine plant feed gas and treated gas
  • Turbine gas feed
  • Fuel gas purification
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As an Energy Industry Professional Neil has a well-rounded knowledge of what it takes to effectively produce oil and gas to maximize the benefit. For the past 34 years working in the Oil-Patch, Safety and Environmental Protection has always been important to Neil and his associates. Neil feels Energy Companies and the Industry have come a long way to do things better and safer while continuing to contribute to a Global Economy and continues to look at the future with a positive attitude.